D-Day then and now (volume 1 and 2)

D-Day then and now (volume 1 and 2)

D-Day then and now (volume 1 and 2)

D-Day then and now (volume 1 and 2). These are the first and second part of a two volume set exploring the inception, planning and preparation of the offensive to liberate Europe, Operation "Overlord", culminating in its launch on D-Day. Completed in a box.

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€ 115,00
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Titel D-Day then and now (volume 1 and 2)
Artikelnummer Div 1561
Uitgever After the Battle, London
Auteur Winston G Ramsey
Jaartal 1995
Band Gebonden
Druk Eerste druk/First edition
Bladzijden 705 Completed in a box
Staat Als nieuw
Toelichting op staat N/B
ISBN-13 9 780900 913846/ 9 780900 913891

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