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The Hand-Stitched Home

The Hand-Stitched Home

The Hand-Stitched Home

The Hand-Stitched Home. Projects for your home include a beautifully sheer patchwork curtain, an heirloom quilt that incorporates found and original embroidery, shelf edging embroidered with an array of kitchen motifs, decorative panels for glazed doors and a charming nautically themed laundry bag. Caroline Zoob shares her inspiration, ideas and colour choices, and demonstrates how changing small details, such as adding a few stitches and a button, can alter the final effect and create uniquely personal results.

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Titel The Hand-Stitched Home
Artikelnummer xx1515
Auteur Caroline Zoob
Uitgever Country Living Magazine, Aurum press, London
Jaartal 2013
Band Gebonden
Bladzijden 144
Druk Eerste druk
Staat Goed
ISBN-13 9 781906 417932
Toelichting op staat N/B

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