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Verlinden Productions Modeling books & accessories Catalog Supplement '95-'96

Verlinden Productions Modeling books & accessories Catalog Supplement '95-'96

Verlinden Productions Modeling books & accessories Catalog Supplement '95-'96

Verlinden Productions Modeling books & accessories Catalog Supplement '95-'96. About this catalog: VP Products ars sold unassembled and unpainted. Most of the items in this catalog ars shown assembled and painted. The resin and brass-etched contents of the update sets are then displayed next to the plastic kit which needs to be purchased to complete the conversion. Combine this supplement with VP Catalog No. 13 for a complete and up-to-date reference from the world's leading modeling source. 

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Titel Verlinden Productions Modeling books & accessories Catalog Supplement '95-'96
Artikelnummer Div 2344
Uitgever Verlinden productions
Auteur Diversen
Jaartal 1995/1996
Band Paperback
Druk Eerste druk
Bladzijden niet vermeld
Staat Als nieuw
Toelichting op staat N/B

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