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Iconography Indexing Iconclass  A Handbook

Iconography Indexing Iconclass A Handbook

Iconography Indexing Iconclass A Handbook

Iconography Indexing Iconclass A Handbook. During the seven years I worked for the project, I discovered that iconography as a separate branch of study within the History of Art hardly existed. What could be called the theory of iconography was mainly beased upon some short texts by Erwin Panofsky, and a greater number of publications that were usually written as reactions to Panofsky's theoretical scheme. Dit boek is geschreven in het Engels.

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€ 60,00
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Titel Iconography Indexing Iconclass A Handbook
Artikelnummer Div 4258
Uitgever Foleor Publishers, Leiden
Auteur Roelof van Straten
Jaartal 1994
Band Paperback
Druk Niet vermeld
Bladzijden 244
Staat Zeer mooie staat!
Toelichting op staat N/B
ISBN-13 9789075035032

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